Tau apa itu present tense? Hah, gak tau? Aduh gimana sih kamu B.Inggrisnya? pasti nilai kamu slalu jeblok deh di B.Inggris. Ya kan? Ah ngaku aja, gak usah malumalu gitu. Oke deh, karna saya sekarang dan akan selalu jadi orang baik, ini nih saya kasih catatan buat kamu yang susah banget memahami Present tense. The meaning of simple present tense is the functions of it, there are :
1. to indicate a situation that exist right now.
2. For general statement/ fact.
3. For habitual action.
Example :

* They have a new car.
* The ball is circle.
* I study everydayForm of Simple Present Tense :
• Verbal sentence
(+) S + V1 + (s/es) + O/C/adv
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C/adv
(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O/C/adv + ?
• Nominal sentence
(+) S + To be + O/C.
(-) S + To be + not + O/C.
(?) To be + S + O/C + ?
*Note :
5w1h question + To be + S +…
Ex : Why is he angry??
(5w1h question: Why, when, what, where, who, dan how)

Adverb of time :

* Always
* Never
* Every
* Regulary
* Often
* Usually
* Sometimes
* Everyday
* Seldom
* …etc….